Wednesday, July 3, 2013


     It's been a while since I posted anything, so I thought it was time I wrote an update. When something as exciting as crazy as getting a scholarship to spend a year abroad happens, you feel like you will never be bored again, like your life has reached a state of permanent interest, but now that this effect has worn off, things have actually been pretty dull. But there have been several developments in the preparation process to share.
     For one thing, I got my debit/credit card after about nine (probably two) hours at the bank. So that was pretty cool...yep. But it seriously is nice to have one more thing checked off the to-do list.
     I have also been working on my packing skills. My first attempt was a bit of a mess, quite literally. I pulled half the clothes out of my closet, crammed about half of them in suitcases, and realized packing was going to be a lot harder than I had thought, then was so overcome with exhaustion that I couldn't even bring myself to unpack the bags or put up my clothes. So I shoved them to the floor and took a nap.
     After a few days of having my bedroom floor covered a foot deep in clothes, shoes, and other rubbish, I finally worked up the energy to do some cleaning, but I wasn't too eager for another trial pack until my mom volunteered to help. Miraculously we (she) succeeded in fitting everything I needed in my bags and weighing in under 50 pounds. BOOM.
     Things are looking much better in the language department. Duolingo really is freaking awesome. I feel like my German skills are truly improving, slowly, but surely. Or at least I did, till I sent my German friend, Camilla a message in German, and she replied that my German was 'amazinnggg but soooooooo funny oh my god'. I should've told her I didn't know 'amazing' had two 'n's and three 'g's. She said she literally 'laughed so hard' and told me I was 'so adorable'. Okay, Camilla. I should remind her that there was a time when she said 'littlier', called corn 'mice', and pronounced 'bear' 'beer'. But I can't be mad at her; for one thing I love her too much, but more importantly it would be hypocritical of me. It's only fair she have a good laugh considering my reactions to some of her more amusing language faux pas. And it probably was pretty funny.
     Only 36 days left. I know it's only a little over a month, and I've already waited 111 days, and people keep saying, "Oh, it'll be here before you know it", but NO. This is a myth. Time is sloooooowly craaaaawling by. It feels like it will never get here. Still, I can think of a lot of numbers more intimidating than 36. 52, for example. I'm just trying to stay active, busy (she writes as she listens to the New Moon soundtrack on loop and watches starts another episode of Switched at Birth).
     My mom just came in my room carrying a jacket and told me to wear it next time I took a shower so I could see if it was very waterproof.. But, I mean, hey, we have to find out somehow.
     I've done a lot of preparatory shopping (just like ordinary shopping, but I only buy neutral colored clothes because it's Europe we're talking about). In fact, I've done a bit too much shopping. All preparatorially, of course, but I've had to put a hold on my finances for the moment nonetheless, just as a precaution.
     Well, I guess the point of all this is...inconclusive. But life goes on. Time does pass, though the rate varies.  And really, I should be glad time is creeping along, because time is the one thing we can never get back once it's gone, the one thing we can never get more of, and therefore the most valuable thing there is...SO JUST BE HAPPY!!!

Today's song: "Vienna" by Billy Joel

Yours truly,

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